Bee Friendly Wine | VINEYARDS | WINE TOUR | Seed Packs | GROWER TOUR


Seeds for your bees is an easy-to-grow seed mix developed at Oregon State University that you can plant at home. It is a mix of horticultural and Oregon native plants that will provided nectar and pollen for a wide range of Oregon bee species. The mix is also a balance of annuals, short-lived perennials and long-lived perennials, to ensure multiple years of bloom for your bees. We also are including grasses this year to help suppress weeds after the seeds are established.

Planting instructions: Select a sunny location. Clear an area 25 sq feet; remove grass and other plants, loosen the soil and make it level and smooth. Spread the seed as evenly as possible. Smooth with back of garden rake, but do not cover; plant before rain or water gently. Seedlings will emerge in approximately 7 to 21 days. Keep the soil evenly moist until seedlings are 2” tall. Plant in fall or early spring for season-long bloom.

Seeds in the mix: Achillea millefolium (p), Bromus carinatus (p-g), Clarkia amoena + C. rhomboidea (a), Eriophyllum lanatum (p), Eschscholzia californica (a), Gaillardia aristata (p), Gilia tricolor (a), Grindelia integrifolia + G. stricta (p), Hordeum brachyantherum (p-g), Limnanthes alba (a), Lupinus rivularis (p), Madia elegans (a), Nemophila menziesii oregonensis (a), Prunella vulgaris v. lanceolata (p)

a = annual, p = perennial, g = grass (aids in weed supression)