Strategic Plan
A Plan for Keeping Oregon’s Bee Pollinators Healthy
Representative Jeff Reardon, sponsor of Oregon House Bill 3362 (2015), with (left to right) Rose Kachadoorian (Oregon Department of Agriculture, Pesticide Registration and Certification Leader), Andony Melathopoulos (Oregon State University Extension, Pollinator Health Extension Specialist), Clint Burfitt (Oregon Department of Agriculture, Program Manager Insect Pest Prevention and Management) and Christine Buhl (Oregon Department of Forestry, Forest Entomologist).
Accomplishments of Strategic Plan 1
Trained 7,500 licensed pesticide applicators on how to use the Pollinating Insect Hazard Statement on insecticide labels to mitigate exposure to bees.
Trained 2,500 gardeners and right-of-way managers on how to encourage bee habitat.
Trained over 200 Master Melittologist volunteers who have created over 100,000 new native bee-plant host records for the state of Oregon. The volunteers have also created over 50 educational online ‘Bee Blurbs” and engaged the public at over 20 face-to-face events.
Initiated a youth engagement initiative in partnership with OSU Food Hero, titled “Explore Bees of Oregon”, that connects bees to Oregon’s agricultural production.
Distributed six educational postcards to over 25,000 Oregonians (Bees of Oregon, Bees of Oregon Trading Cards, Responsible Orchard Bee Management, Protect Bees - Read Pesticide Labels, Four Bee-Safe Gardener and Landscaper Tips, Where are the Bees in the Forest).
Published new publications including “Forest Bees and Pollinators” (ODF, Woodland Fish and Wildlife), “Enhancing Urban and Suburban Landscapes to Protect Pollinators” (OSU Extension, EM 9289) and “Asian Giant Hornet (Vespa mandarinia): A Potential Threat to Honey Bee Colonies in Oregon” (OSU Extension, EM 9297)
Released 200 episodes of the weekly PolliNation podcast