Roundup: July 26, 2019
July 27 - Saturdays at the Scopes (Corvallis). Bid Oregon Bee Atlas Taxonomist Lincoln Best farewell (he returns next January). Bring the bees you caught this summer and look at them under the microscope (and even start the optional process of keying them out). Drop-in - OSU, Corvallis, Cordley Building room 3058. - map and info linked here.
You might recall that last year one of the participants in the Bee School (Sarah Red-Laid) from Ashland found Oregon’s first record for a squash bee. Well, another turned up. So we’d like you to start looking for squash bees.
Linc would like you to survey for the bees using the following technique and to email me the results.
Protocol: Early in the morning, open mature flowers of Cucurbita and count number of bees inside. These are male squash bees. Only survey Zucchini, Pumpkin, and other large flowered squashes. Not cucumbers or small flowered plants. When in doubt include photos of flowers and bees.
Use the linked form to record your results and then email the results directly to Linc.